QUIZ: Should We Move In Together? Is It Time Yet?

should we move in together quiz

At some point, everyone in a relationship begins to mind that they constantly have to travel miles to meet their other half. What is the point of traveling several kilometers every day when you can use this time to watch a movie or go for a romantic walk? If this is what you’re wondering, you’ve certainly come to the right place! We will tell you if you should move in together in this quiz. By answering a series of questions, you can find out if this is the right time for you to live together!

There are many reasons why people might want to move in together. Perhaps you love each other so much that you want to spend every minute of your life and don’t like wasting time on the road. Or maybe you are more concerned with saving money? Why should one of your apartments stand empty when you spend most of your time in one anyway?

Should We Move In Together? Take The Quiz!

We will now introduce you to the different situations in which couples choose to live together. Remember that this may not always turn out to be the right decision!

First of all, it is essential to note how long you have been together. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, you love being side by side, and separation is a real drama for you – don’t hesitate! You are clearly made for each other, and living close will strengthen your bond even more. There is also a risk of failure due to routine, but that’s unlikely if you know each other well!

Are you further considering whether you should live together?

In some situations, couples who have been together for a very short time – a month or two – are already considering whether they should move in together. If it’s true love at first sight, there’s no chance of disappointment after living collectively! But unfortunately, this is rare. You may be disappointed in their behavior if you haven’t gotten to know your partner well enough. Perpetually lingering dishes in the sink, dirty clothes scattered around the room, or lack of organization may be an insurmountable barrier. You will try to control everything yourself for a long time, but eventually, you will get fed up. So, if you have only known each other for a short time, should you definitely move in together? Perhaps it might be a better idea to only spend the night at each other’s houses for a while longer, or stay a few days in a row?

Another important element that concerns living together is your personality. If you are open to all people, love to invite your friends home, and spend time with them, and your partner is the introvert type, this could be a problem. Getting together will be a great activity for you, while your partner will just be thinking, “When are they finally going to go.” If such a problem applies to you, you should discuss it before moving together. Maybe, in this case, it would be a good idea to give up house parties and go out on the town with friends.

The Love & Relationships category is full of great and puzzling quizzes! How about a Relationship Quiz?

If you can think of more questions that have not been answered in this text, don’t wait any longer and take the “Should we move in together?” quiz! By answering the questions in the quiz, you will find out if you should move in together. Or is it not the right time yet, and would it be better for your relationship if you lived apart for a while? Sometimes, such haste can only harm! So don’t worry any longer because the answer is correct in front of you!

Picture of Oliver


A trained psychologist with a specialization in human behavior, Oliver has dissected love and interpersonal dynamics for close to a decade. He's the guy behind those very interactive quizzes about love and relationship that you've been enjoying on Quizondo. He creates engaging, informative quizzes using his widespread knowledge and experience in human behavior, through which he helps people come to know their own personalities, find their love language, and understand their relationship patterns. He is well aware of how important self-awareness is in establishing good and satisfying relations. Do you know that Oliver is an enthusiast of watching birds? The courtship and social behaviors the birds displayed to come up with these fine intricate tapes of "love stories" give him insights that are truly interesting, leaving him so fascinated by how nature works.

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