In today’s quiz you will find out if you possess a trait often called a virtue, namely patience.
Patience is not an easy art, and it does not come naturally and lightly to everyone. If the question “Am I patient?” has been running through your mind lately, you’ve come to the right place. Our quiz gives you the opportunity to examine how you handle daily and long-term challenges and goals that require patience.
You probably know many people who do not have much patience and, for example, try to get everything by skipping certain things. For instance, while standing in line at the grocery store they try to skip the queue, or while reading a book they skip the less important chapters according to them. These examples are a drop in the ocean of behaviors that itch for someone to be impatient.
All you need to do is answer the several questions we have prepared for you, and you will find out what your level of impatience is. Or, on the contrary, maybe the quiz will reveal that you’re patient. Let’s see!