QUIZ: Am I Socially Awkward? Do You Match?

am I socially awkward quiz
Photo by Bekah Allmark on Unsplash

Being socially awkward can make it difficult to thrive. You’ll have trouble talking to people, and interviews for employment positions will be terrifying. Remember that social awkwardness can be overcome with therapy and patience. Have you asked, “Am I socially awkward?” Our quiz can help you find out within seconds so you can begin treating the problem.

Working with a professional therapist can help you discover ways to calm your nerves when talking to strangers. First, you need to diagnose the problem by using the quiz on this page.

More About Social Awkwardness

It would be wise to learn more about social awkwardness, so you’ll know whether you fit into this category. People who are socially awkward tend to be uncomfortable in social situations. They can also experience anxiety when they think about being in a social situation. For instance, you may begin feeling worried when you imagine attending a meeting.

Meeting new people is often more frightening because you don’t know the person in question. Once you’ve gotten more comfortable with them, your nerves may settle. Regardless, it is difficult to communicate with people in social settings because you’re overly anxious.

“Am I socially awkward?” The quiz was formulated to use your answers to determine whether you have this condition. If you are socially awkward, certain techniques can help calm your nerves when encountering strangers.


It is common for socially awkward individuals to experience numerous symptoms. When you sit down with friends, you may begin feeling worried. You’ll become pessimistic and worry that you’re going to do something embarrassing. You’ll also have an intense concern about encountering and talking to strangers.

Some people will experience physical symptoms as well. You may notice that you’re sweating and blushing. Your hands may start to tremble, and your voice will become shaky. Other symptoms include not making eye contact, fidgeting, and feeling self-conscious.

Again, you may be able to resolve this problem by attending counseling sessions. You can learn calming techniques that will help you overcome these symptoms during awkward encounters.

How To Combat Social Anxiety

Dealing with social anxiety can be tough. Unfortunately, you may feel crippled when you enter a frightening social situation. Therefore, you must find ways to deal with the symptoms so you can maintain healthy relationships with friends and associates.

Socially awkward individuals should learn how to control their breathing. It has been proven that breathing techniques can help someone remain calm even in the most stressful situations. Muscle relaxation is also beneficial. Ultimately, it is pertinent to begin exposing yourself to these stressful situations.

Don’t start with major tasks because they might be too much. Instead, you can visit a local pub with little traffic. Try talking to a few strangers to build your confidence. You’ll also want to remove the focus from yourself. If you’re having negative thoughts, you need to eliminate them from your mind.

You can successfully control your social anxiety with practice and patience. Still, it is wise to work with a professional to find ways to manage and reduce the symptoms.

If you want to learn more about yourself and how you interact with the world around you, check out our “Introvert vs. Extrovert” quiz.

Are You Socially Awkward?

“Am I socially awkward?” This quiz is designed to determine whether a person would fit into this category. Professionals and socially awkward individuals created it, so the results will be precise. You do not need to expose your identity since your privacy will be protected every step of the way.

If the test determines that you have social awkwardness, you should contact a professional so you can discover ways to handle the problem. With patience and persistence, you will learn how to manage the symptoms so you can enjoy a healthy social life.

Questions Preview

1. In social situations, how often do you find yourself struggling to maintain eye contact with others?
  1. Always
  2. Often, I feel too self-conscious to maintain eye contact with others.
  3. Sometimes
  4. Rarely or never
2. When meeting new people, how comfortable are you with initiating conversation?
  1. Very comfortable
  2. Somewhat comfortable, but I prefer if others initiate conversation
  3. Somewhat uncomfortable, I often worry about what to say
  4. Very uncomfortable, I struggle with initiating conversation with strangers
3. When attending a party or event, how comfortable are you with meeting new people?
  1. Very comfortable
  2. Somewhat comfortable, but I prefer to stick with people I know
  3. Somewhat uncomfortable, I find it hard to approach strangers
  4. Very uncomfortable, I avoid meeting new people at parties
4. Do you enjoy being the center of attention in social situations?
  1. Yes, I thrive in the spotlight
  2. Sometimes, but I prefer sharing it with others
  3. No, I prefer blending in with the crowd
5. Do you find it easy to make conversation with people from different backgrounds or cultures?
  1. Yes, I'm curious and open-minded
  2. Sometimes, if I have something in common with them
  3. No, I find it hard to relate to people from different backgrounds
6. What's your ideal way to spend a Friday night?
  1. Going out with friends to a crowded bar or club
  2. Having a quiet night in with a few close friends
  3. Going on a solo adventure to try something new
  4. Staying in and binge-watching a TV show or movie
7. Which of the following activities would you most enjoy?
  1. Bungee jumping or skydiving
  2. Reading or watching movies
  3. Going on a hike or exploring nature
  4. Taking a cooking class or learning a new skill
8. If you had a free day, what would you do with it?
  1. Plan a spontaneous adventure or trip
  2. Spend the day with friends or family
  3. Relax at home with a good book or TV show
  4. Focus on a personal project or goal
9. How do you react when someone compliments you?
  1. Accept it graciously
  2. Dismiss it or downplay it
  3. Get shy or embarrassed
  4. Return a compliment to the person
10. When in a group conversation, how often do you find yourself struggling to follow the topic or understand what others are saying?
  1. Rarely or never
  2. Sometimes
  3. Often
  4. Always
11. How do you feel about small talk or casual conversation?
  1. Enjoy it and find it easy
  2. Don't mind it, but prefer deeper conversations
  3. Find it boring or uncomfortable
  4. Avoid it whenever possible
12. When someone asks you to repeat yourself, how do you usually react?
  1. Repeat yourself without issue
  2. Repeat yourself, but feel embarrassed or self-conscious
  3. Get frustrated or annoyed
  4. Avoid repeating yourself by changing the subject
13. Have you ever felt like you're not being yourself around certain people?
  1. Yes, I change my behavior depending on the situation or the people I'm around
  2. No, I always feel comfortable being myself
  3. Sometimes, depending on how well I know the people
14. Do you often struggle to come up with things to say in social situations?
  1. Rarely or never, I'm a good conversationalist
  2. Sometimes, if I'm not particularly interested in the topic
  3. Often, I struggle with social anxiety and find it hard to make conversation
  4. I prefer to listen and observe rather than talk
15. Do you often struggle with what to do with your hands during social interactions?
  1. No, I'm comfortable and natural with my body language
  2. Sometimes, if I'm feeling self-conscious or nervous
  3. Yes, I find myself fidgeting or being self-conscious about my hands
  4. I never really thought about it
Picture of Thomas


Thomas is a seasoned psychologist and psychotherapist with over 10 years of experience. He has a passion for assisting human beings in understanding themselves and dealing with life's difficulties. By way of background information, Thomas travels a lot and likes exploring different cultures. He feels that seeing through other people's ways of life can actually be quite an eye-opener and help in personal growth.

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