Middle East Map Quiz: Challenge Yourself!

middle east map quiz

The Middle East is a geographical area that includes some parts of Asia, Europe, and Africa. To be more accurate, there are 18 countries in that region. Saudi Arabia is the biggest one and Bahrain is the smallest. The Middle East has the biggest benefit from petroleum extraction. Almost 25 percent of the world's petroleum is being extracted there. Primary, official languages are spoken in the Middle East are Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Persian, and Kurdish. Generally, there are over 50 languages in total. The name came from the European point of view (also called Eurocentrism). Literally, the name itself means south-east Asia and north-west Africa.

Can you name the rest of the Middle East countries, excluding Saudi Arabia and Bahrain? In this Middle East Map Quiz, you'll be asked 10 questions. Every question will reveal a map of the middle east, with one country marked on it. Your task is to guess the right country. Supposing that you know everything about the Near East (its former name), then it shouldn't be a problem to guess each one of these 10 countries, right? Test your knowledge about this land and see if you can make 10 on 10 quiz points with ease. Good luck!

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