My Hero Academia, also known as Boku No Hero Academia, is a manga created in 2014. However, there is also anime with the same name, adapted from the manga. In this My Hero Academia Quiz, you will be asked many questions about MHA characters, story, episodes, and dates from manga and anime.
If you feel up to it, you can start the quiz immediately and test your knowledge about My Hero Academia. Nonetheless, keep on reading, as this article may help you to complete the examination with a maximum score. The quiz will contain questions about some of the facts, trivia, and general knowledge about MHA included in this article. If you feel confident and think you know My Hero Academia inside out, try to ace this quiz without blinking!
MHA – A Brief Description
As you may know, My Hero Academia is a manga that has its anime adaptation. Both are very popular among anime and manga fans. Anime is becoming increasingly popular, making it one of the top-tier animes. MHA anime was released in 2016, and since then, it has gained incredible popularity, comparable to the best animes, including Dragon Ball or One Piece.
This action-packed story of people with superhuman powers is incredibly addictive and fun to watch. So if you hear about this title for the first time, you should find some free time to get to know this anime better. You won’t regret watching My Hero Academia for sure!
My Hero Academia tells a story about a world where people have superpowers, also known as “Quirks.” The series’s main protagonist, a boy named Izuku Midoriya, has no superpower (he’s “quirkless,” like 20% of the whole population). He was bullied in his childhood for not having a quirk himself. Izuku’s biggest dream is to become a superhero one day. If the boy used our Quirk Generator, he wouldn’t have to deal with so many problems.
Deku’s idol is All Might, the number one hero in the world. All Might possesses a “One For All” Quirk, which gives him superhuman strength. This is why Izuku Midoriya wants to be like him. However, he realizes that without a Quirk, he will never achieve his goal. No one expects what will happen soon…
Can this youngster reach his dream? Do you think it is possible? What do you think will happen next? Check My Hero Academia if you haven’t yet, and get these questions answered! My Hero Academia quiz is a great knowledge test for any fan of this anime.
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How to Play The BNHA Quiz?
The MHA quiz contains 15 questions. You will be asked questions about both manga and anime series, so to get a perfect score on this quiz, you must be a big MHA fan. After you answer all the questions, you’ll see your overall quiz score. Compare it with your friends to see who’s a bigger MHA fan!
Can you pass this test with ease getting 15/15 on your first try? Don’t waste any more time; start the quiz and find out! Good luck!
Questions Preview
- Fumikage Tokoyami
- Shoto Todoroki
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Kai Chisaki
- Kacchan
- Sirius
- Power Loader
- Gran Torino
- Edgeshot
- Tiger
- Mirko
- All Might
- 20
- 14
- 17
- 13
- Shoto Todoroki & Momo Yaoyorozu
- Mezo Shoji & Toru Hagakure
- Fumikage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui
- Kyoka Jiro & Koji Koda
- a hero
- a superpower
- a battle
- an event
- Shinji Nishiya
- Enji Todoroki
- Sorahiko
- Sir Nighteye
- Kenji Hikiishi
- Shota Aizawa
- Tsunagu Hakamata
- Nemuri Kayama
- All Might
- Endeavor
- Deku
- Stendhal
- Blood Hero: Vlad King
- Death Arms
- Ectoplasm
- Overhaul
- Enji Todoroki
- Chizome Akaguro
- Toshinori Yagi
- Ochaco Uraraka
- Nezu
- Recovery Girl
- No. 13
- Lunch-Rush
- Akira Toriyama
- Kōhei Horikoshi
- Yoshihiro Togashi
- Hiromu Arakawa
- 38
- 48
- 42
- 32
- Bloodcurdle
- Chimera
- Elasticity
- Boomerang