Synesthesia Test: Are You A Synesthete?

synesthesia test

The phenomenal perception, synesthesia, is extremely rare. In addition to the small number of isolated cases, it takes many forms. For example, an individual has one synesthesia episode in their lifetime. Then, there are those who have hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly synesthesia episodes. Our synesthesia test holds the key to determining if you are affected. 

Brief History Of Synesthesia

The cause of synesthesia is still unclear. In fact, medical experts have yet to classify synesthesia as a disorder or disease. On a good note, the ability to hear, see, or feel two different sense perceptions is not connected to mental illness.

Synesthesia can impact anyone at any time. People who experience regular episodes are known as “synesthetes.” A synesthete is believed to have better memory than someone who does not have the ability. However, some synesthetes will disagree because an episode during a test can be distracting.

Childhood Onset

Synesthesia can safely be described as a “childhood condition.” The only difference is the condition does not dissipate in adolescence and adulthood. In other words, once someone is inflicted with synesthesia, they will never go away.

Children as young as six years old have reported synesthesia perceptions. Unlike adults, children struggle to understand what is happening inside their brain. The child may not be able to explain their experiences until they reach adolescence.

‘Mirror Touch

A unique synesthesia perception has been deemed “mirror touch” by the medical community. The perception is even rarer than other synesthesia abilities. It occurs when a synesthete senses a touch while watching someone else touch something.

Mirror touch only occurs in rare instances, making it a more unbelievable experience. It may just happen once or periodically in someone’s lifetime. One thing is more; its unusual perception can be extremely difficult to pick up on.

Alters Focus

During school, children learn how to concentrate. Learning to concentrate is more difficult for children who have a hyperactive brain. The sincere urge to constantly be involved in some type of physical activity is oftentimes contributed to ADHD

Other issues, such as home problems and conditions like social anxiety, also impact a child’s ability to focus. Synesthesia is another problematic childhood condition that contributes to poor focus.

Adult synesthetes reportedly have trouble focusing on tasks at hand. What is generally an “annoyance” becomes a severe concentration problem. It can cause poor work and/or class performance in adults as well. Take the Synesthesia test to determine if you are inflicted with the condition.

Involuntary Perceptions

People do not go seeking synesthetic perceptions. This is especially true in young victims who have no idea the condition exists. Involuntary perceptions are nothing more than a natural reflex like a heartbeat or eye blink. 

Synesthetes cannot possibly control their condition. An involuntary perception can occur at any moment throughout the day or night. Fortunately, synesthetic episodes are not known to interfere with the sleep pattern.

More research is needed to determine if there is a connection between insomnia and synesthesia. 

It Seems Normal

Since synesthesia develops in childhood, it becomes a normal part of life. Synesthetes are often led to believe everyone has involuntary perceptions similar to theirs. This could not be further from the truth.

According to the latest statistics, between one and four percent of people worldwide are inflicted with synesthesia. Experts believe there are more synesthetes who choose to keep their condition private.

Synesthesia Test

The test is ideal for both children and adults. It can help people who are yet to be diagnosed and confused about their condition. Experts believe synesthesia may have a genetic connection. Synesthetes should monitor their children carefully for signs of involuntary perceptions.

Picture of Thomas


Thomas is a seasoned psychologist and psychotherapist with over 10 years of experience. He has a passion for assisting human beings in understanding themselves and dealing with life's difficulties. By way of background information, Thomas travels a lot and likes exploring different cultures. He feels that seeing through other people's ways of life can actually be quite an eye-opener and help in personal growth.

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