Wondering which credit card to choose? Given that there are so many options vying for your attention, the choice can seem overwhelming. Banks tempt us with sign-up bonuses, so it can be difficult to figure out which credit card fits your lifestyle. If you’re asking yourself “What credit card should I get?” then you’ve come to the right place! All you have to do is take our quiz consisting of 15 questions about your spending habits, financial goals, and what benefits you value most.
We’ll match you with a credit card that aligns with your priorities, whether you’re looking for a card with cashback, rewards for transaction volume, or a low-interest balance management card.
Before you decide on a credit card, you need to determine your financial needs and goals. What is your goal? Do you want to build credit, save on interest, or maximize rewards?
The results you can get:
1. Travel Rewards Card
2. Cash Back Credit Card
3. Premium Credit Card
4. Student Credit Card
5. Balance Transfer Card