QUIZ: Do I Want a Divorce? Should You Do It?

do I want a divorce quiz

Not getting along with your current partner? Are you wondering if your future together has any sense? Don’t you get along anymore like before? In this “Do I want a divorce?” quiz, we will try to honestly answer the question of whether you want it or not. Maybe you can settle the matter without going to court?

Divorce is the last step in a failed relationship. Please note that divorce can only be decided by a court, and the reasons cannot be trivial. If the relationship between you and your partner is no longer as it used to be, and there has been a permanent and complete decay of life, you should think about what to do next.

Steps to Take Before Divorcing

Torn between staying and leaving, you may find yourself frequently asking, “Do I want a divorce?” or “Should I get a divorce?” It’s a daunting question, burdened with emotional implications and life-altering consequences. It signifies a crossroads in your life, a moment of profound introspection that demands an honest evaluation of your feelings, your relationship, and your future aspirations. 

The first step is to think about the reason why you are thinking about divorce at all. Is there no love between you yet? Or the reason is completely different? Betrayal, lying, cheating? Perhaps you’re asking, “why do we argue so much?” Frequent arguments may indicate unresolved issues, unmet needs, or communication gaps that require attention.

Perhaps the best solution would be to talk honestly with your partner. This is where you should start. Only when the conversation has no effect and even worsens your relationship should you take further steps.

The second option is marital therapy. Perhaps your problems are psychological. It would be worth making an appointment with a psychologist who deals with marital problems. Don’t shake your head right away. Many people think that they don’t need a psychologist, but it is the opposite very often. A good psychologist can change your approach to life by 180 degrees, so if you care about your other half, even in a small percentage, then you should think about psychotherapy.

If the first two steps fail, the last one remains, namely – divorce. Remember that divorce can only be decided by a court. The following conditions must be met for a divorce to occur. The court is able to declare divorce between spouses only if there has been a permanent and complete breakdown of the marriage. Of course, this is not about how you are doing in bed but more about the fact that one or two of the spouses are sure that they do not want to be together anymore. 

Another condition for the court to decide on divorce is that, despite all attempts, the relationship is no longer able to function as it did in the past. This means, among other things, that if any of the spouses cheated on their partner, then the relationship will break down permanently.

In addition to divorce, a couple may also choose to separateSeparation is a condition where the two spouses do not live together, but they are still husband and wife by law. This solution allows you to think about the future of your relationship. Perhaps after some time of separation, you will find out that divorce would not be a good idea. Time heals all wounds.

Has your partner cheated on you? Did you catch him with another woman? Regardless of why you are considering divorce, you should think about your decision and try to take additional steps.

There are many reasons why you want to get a divorce. The relationship between the two partners and their behavior has a huge impact on this. 

Consider whether you are not blameless yourself and your behavior is not annoying to your other half. For this, you can take the “Am I annoying?” quiz to find out.

Do I Want A Divorce Quiz – How To Play?

If you have gone through all the steps detailed in this article, and you are still not sure if divorce is a good thing, then you should take our “do I want a divorce?” quiz. 

Honesty is the best policy here – your truthful responses will allow us to gauge accurately whether you’re leaning towards a split or hoping for a revival. This 15-question quiz will prompt reflections on your relationship journey, past memories, present realities, and your perceptions of the situation.

Are you prepared to find the answer? If so, the path to get it is just a ‘Start’ button; click away. Best of luck to you!

Picture of Oliver


A trained psychologist with a specialization in human behavior, Oliver has dissected love and interpersonal dynamics for close to a decade. He's the guy behind those very interactive quizzes about love and relationship that you've been enjoying on Quizondo. He creates engaging, informative quizzes using his widespread knowledge and experience in human behavior, through which he helps people come to know their own personalities, find their love language, and understand their relationship patterns. He is well aware of how important self-awareness is in establishing good and satisfying relations. Do you know that Oliver is an enthusiast of watching birds? The courtship and social behaviors the birds displayed to come up with these fine intricate tapes of "love stories" give him insights that are truly interesting, leaving him so fascinated by how nature works.

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