QUIZ: Should I Quit My Job? Reliable Advice

should I quit my job quiz

Still counting down the days to the desired weekend? You do not enjoy your work at all; on the contrary – it tires you and stresses you. Perhaps you are overworked or just burned out. If you’re still wondering, “Should I quit my job?” you’ve come to the right place. We will analyze your current job in-depth and check what the cause of your problems is. In addition, we will answer the question of whether it is time to leave your current employer. And all this through our comprehensive quiz.

Each of us has a moment in life when we literally don’t feel like anything. We can lie on the couch all day and stare at the TV screen or smartphone. In addition, we no longer enjoy our work, and we are struggling with our thoughts as to whether it is time to move forward and start a new chapter in our professional career.

One thing is for sure: you are not alone in these feelings. Many people struggle with this dilemma. Worse still, many people spend most of their lives in work that doesn’t bring them any satisfaction or pleasure. Is it worth suffering in such a situation for the rest of our lives just because we are afraid of changes? Perhaps it would be worth analyzing your life so far, quitting the hell and starting a whole new, better period?

When Should I Quit My Job?

Your current situation requires a detailed analysis. Before asking yourself, “should I quit my job?”, familiarize yourself with some important factors that should clarify that it is time to change jobs.

You feel that something within you has broken. You often fantasize about changing jobs. Work doesn’t give you as much satisfaction as it used to. Your coworkers irritate you more and more. You avoid the boss and do not follow his orders. Still not sure what you should do with your life? Sound familiar? These are just a few of the many signs that it’s time to change.


Every day at work is the same? You are not acquiring new skills, and your employer requires more and more from you. If your career has stalled and you feel like you are starting to regress, it’s time to change.


Let’s be honest; stress is one of the worst things we experience in life. No one should be overly stressed, as it has a negative impact on our mental and physical health in the long run. If, after returning home, you are constantly thinking about your professional duties and you are afraid of the next day at work, it is worth considering terminating the contract.

Problems With The Supervisor

Relations with superiors are one of the most important aspects of work. If you don’t like your boss, and what’s worse, he doesn’t like you either, it’s a sign that you shouldn’t have any doubts and change jobs as soon as possible. Moreover, if you are additionally a victim of mobbing, then you shouldn’t think much longer.

Promotion? Rise? Sure…

If you got your last raise a few years ago and you can only dream of a promotion, it is definitely worth looking for a new job. In addition, if your supervisor gives you more responsibilities, and he doesn’t mention a word about a promotion or a raise, and subsequent requests fail, you know what to do.

We are aware of how habituation and fear of change work. Changing the environment – new colleagues – many of us have a problem with that. 

However, it is worth analyzing the current situation and drawing conclusions. If the above signals perfectly describe your current situation with your current employer, you certainly cannot persist in such a position. Decide to quit your job and ask yourself, “what job should I get?” Our quiz will help you. Not only will you find out what job would be perfect for you, but perhaps you will find the hidden talent that will help you develop your own business.

What Else Should You Know?

The decision to change your job is one of the most difficult, especially if you have been stuck in it for years and have not participated in interviews for a long time. In addition, you pay off or intend to take a loan, and the change seems risky.

However, if you feel that your balance is sharply shaken to the detriment of your private life, professional development, willingness to fulfill, a sense of appreciation, and finances, think about what must happen for you to decide to look for a new employer. When the excuses no longer make sense, and it’s time to change jobs?

To bring you closer to making a decision, we have developed a quiz to help you determine, “should I quit my job?” All you need to do is answer a few questions about your current job, and we will analyze your answers in detail to find out if it’s time to change.

Picture of Eric


Meet Eric, a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. With a background in philosophy and a penchant for culture, he's well-equipped to bring great, insightful editorials to the literary world. When he's not deep in thought pondering the meaning of life, he's creating quizzes on topics that interest him the most: culture, history, and all of the little elements that go into making up a world. One time, Eric tried to devise a quiz to find the meaning of life. It got so hard, though—he couldn't solve it himself.

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